Born in Austria, I learned Spanish and Catalan from scratch staying with a Valencian host family for a whole school year at the age of 15. The immersion into completely unknown languages and cultures was so thrilling I came back to Spain with a Translation and Interpreting Erasmus grant by ZTW and stayed, finishing my Degree in Translation & Interpretation at UPF. The many hours spent since 2006 as a freelance interpreter for a German high-end technology & equipment provider with clients all over Spain put me in a position to specialise in the translation of machine documentation, in addition to providing translation of business documents for a range of LSPs and Private Market end-clients.
Since 2019, I also localize E-Commerce contents providing MPTE (Machine Translation Postediting) services. I have served as a business interpreter at Technical Training Sessions, Business Negotiations, Board Meetings and assemblies for numerous companies in Spain and abroad. A conference interpreter by Comillas CIHS since 2012, I hold experience with EWCs, OSHA, pharmaceutical products and medical devices, Insurance, Digitisation & The Future of Work.
After - intense - negotiations with a business partner, a client once said to me: “Your service can not be paid for in money”. With automatisation deeply affecting the (hand)craft of translation and more recently also the interpreting profession, this comment seems precious: The reshaping of workflows originated by automatisation is only an example of how digitalization increasingly affects all our life spheres.
Finding the balance between the potential cost and time saving power of automatisation and the absolute need of the human expert to validate the machine’s outcomes is one of the biggest challenges we face as a society to achieve more and better communication: Let me help with translation and interpretation. However challenging these times might be, I would choose to become a translator and interpreter again, since I can not think of a more thrilling, demanding, gratifiying and humbling profession.
Do you need to communicate effectively?
My German, Spanish and English voice will
enable you to reach your target audience.
SPECIALISED TRANSLATOR (B.A.) Spanish <> German English < German CONFERENCE INTERPRETER (M.A.) Spanish <> German English <> German BUSINESS INTERPRETER (since 2006) Spanish <> German English <> German contact@barbarawerderitsch.com